Be Ambitious

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Be AmbitiousBe Ambitious
  1. We have to be ambitious , otherwise education will stay the same for the next hundred years .


  2. The first initiative needs to be ambitious , but realistic .


  3. God placed in us the desire to be ambitious .


  4. We need to be ambitious .


  5. follow your curiosity , and be ambitious about it .


  6. The teachers should cultivate and develop the students ' experiment interests , and make their interests be ambitious and conscientious .


  7. Hokkaido University : Boys , be ambitious !


  8. They want staff to be ambitious , driven self-starters , not people who are just looking for an easy life .


  9. All it will take is a will to be ambitious and a determination to leave no stone unturned .


  10. What there was the greatest agreement on was that we should be ambitious and help life spread into the cosmos ,


  11. Regional colleges for nationalities should also strengthen the psychological counselling to the poor students , guiding them to be ambitious , independent and healthy development .


  12. Be ambitious not for money or for selfish aggrandizement , not for that evanescent thing which men call fame .


  13. Or we can be ambitious -- thinking hard about how to steer our technology and where we want to go with it to create the age of amazement .


  14. There are those who want to work , create , develop , be ambitious with a sense of responsibility , and those who focus solely on the money , he says .


  15. There might be ambitious MPs who begin thinking that going independent is not just a good idea for the locals , but a good idea for their own re-election prospects .


  16. A spokeswoman for Amigo Loans , who commissioned the study , said : ' It 's normal to want to achieve certain things by certain ages and it 's good to be ambitious .


  17. By all means consider whether you are paid appropriately for your role and be ambitious to further your career and earnings but do not assume that more money will deliver greater happiness at work .


  18. The company 's website long-term is effective about facing the national employment advertise information , welcome to be ambitious public figure 's alliance , extremely thank the support which holding to China and America investment company !


  19. Overall , I know it seems like the world is crumbling out there , but it is actually a great time in your life to get a little crazy , follow your curiosity , and be ambitious about it .


  20. Im not saying that we should not be ambitious or have great dreams , after all , just as Vince Lombardi has said , Perfection is not attainable , but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence .


  21. There may never have been a better time to be an ambitious young architect .


  22. According to her , I should be more ambitious .


  23. If you could be more ambitious in only one aspect of your life , what would it be ?


  24. It is now time for Mr Abe to be more ambitious .


  25. I think we should be more ambitious -- in the spirit of TED .


  26. Still others say parents should be less ambitious for their children and have them cut back on their extra activities .


  27. Integrity will be more ambitious people will forever remember and reservations , I Let 's talk business cards !


  28. I believe that you join , our team will be more ambitious , our strength will be more powerful !


  29. The opposite extreme of uncontrolled semantic chaos is that it can be overly ambitious .


  30. There is a tradition for local governments to announce plans which might be too ambitious to believe , he added .
